Starting Over After A Break Up: Finding Joy When A Long Term Relationship Ends | Jessica Rueger On The Ruby Hour Podcast

Exactly how do you pick yourself up after your heart has been brutally ripped out of your chest?

When your entire world becomes pressurized by unexpected change?

How do you move to embrace the life you thought you would lead… is no longer real?

How do you find hope beyond a relationship with someone you thought was your person?

Starting Over After A Break Up: Finding Joy When A Long Term Relationship Ends | Jessica Rueger On The Ruby Hour Podcast

I had my dear friend, mentor, and colleague Jessica Rueger on the show a few months back to discuss exactly this. Reinventing her world after starting over after a decade-long marriage, Jessica shares answers to the most intimate questions I, ironically, find myself seeking for myself. 

Jess is one of the most talented executive coaches I have ever had the pleasure of working with in the past decade. Years ago, she taught me tools that I continue to use every day to create the reality my heart and body desire for me to build.

  • How do we move through grief? 

  • How do we not get lost in the abyss of loss?

  • How do we shift our focus from beating ourselves up, blaming and shaming and replaying… to accepting and clarifying what does light our spirit up?

  • What are ways to come to ourselves and rebuild hope in a new, unknown chapter?

This conversation is empowering, uplifting, intimate, and vulnerable on both of our parts. My hope is that you or someone you love who may be going through a tough time of self-examination or loss may find a vein of courage and strength from this tender conversation.

Sending you so much love in this season, - Shelby

Visit to see her latest offerings, workshops, and availability for 1:1 executive coaching. /\/\/\/

This episode is recorded, produced, and edited by our company, Ruby Riot Creatives. Visit to see our latest projects, hear more episodes in The Ruby Hour Podcast, and visit our previous season's episode archives.

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